Golf Club Custom Fitting in Beddington
What is Custom Golf Club Fitting in Beddington?
I am sure you have read the many articles in the Golf magazines , and glossy adverts from the major club suppliers that getting your clubs fitted “Just like the Pros” is the way forward when buying a new set of clubs….

This booklet by Tom Wishon gives a clear precise account
of what true custom fitting in Beddington is all about, you can
download this at the following link
Over the years, as new technology comes forward, the buzz words for the ultimate custom golf club fitting in Beddington runs along the line of swing speed, launch angle, ball speed, smash factor to name but a few.
What does this actually mean? Well from my point of view having carried out many fittings with the help of a Sports Coach Simulator & Vector Launch Monitor (as used in my fitting Centre between 2007 & 2010) not a lot ….
Now I have probably lost 60% of my audience let me explain further. With all this new technology available to today’s
club fitters we are all in danger of the modern problem of over analyzing everything.
Bearing in mind that the average golfer does not have a truly consistent swing, this information becomes worthless.
Next time you are at your club, go and stand by the first tee and watch several groups of golfers tee off. I guarantee you will see that there is no such thing as a perfect golf swing, everyone has their own interpretation of how to hit the golf ball, some are more successful than others. A bold statement I know, but I could guarantee when fitting anyone of my customers if they were to hit five consecutive shots under such tight scrutiny every shot would be different.
Although I used this technology to help assess the best type of club, the two other things which I found just as importantif not more so were my eyes – to look at the actual ball flight and my ears – to hear the impact of the club hitting the ball. Anyone who has been to a Pro Golf Tournament will often marvel at the sound the club makes as they hit the ball.
I am not just saying this as I no longer have the facilities to have all the specialist equipment. When you are at a fitting due to the fact everything you do is being monitored, you do not always bring your ‘A’ game swing. I had a client who was so nervous he was shaking so much it became impossible to continue, however after a strong coffee we were able to continue with the fitting and he left with a satisfied grin on his face eagerly awaiting the delivery of his new driver.
This is why I like to visit you at your club. You would play a few holes in a familiar environment so I can see how you play and this gives me a better idea of what will work best for you. For me as a custom golf club fitter in Beddington, it is not all about gaining extra distance. It’s more about giving you consistency, which in turn will give you more distance and accuracy.
The other side of custom golf club fitting in Beddington has nothing to do with your actual swing mechanics. During the normal questions I ask regarding your game I look at the clubs you have, and I could almost guarantee there would be two maybe three clubs which still look fresh with the rest of the set well used. Although we are permitted to carry fourteen clubs in the bag do we really need them? Take the little five club challenge competition, now that gets you thinking and without any hesitation you choose the five clubs which you are confident of hitting and low and behold you probably have one of the bests rounds of the year.
Thinking of buying new clubs… I no longer carry a stock of Drivers, Irons or Putters but I am more than happy to advise you on what might work best for your individual swing and playing ability.
Please feel free to contact me for any questions you may have, and I would be more than happy to assist you and provide costs as required.
Telephone: 0208 777 0720
Mobile: 07850 691 591